Maria/Maleta by Pedro Pedro Collection

Maria/Maleta and Pedro Pedro a collaboration that became a non-obvious collection.

(Porto, September 2017)


Not always the most obvious choice is the right choice. Neither Pedro Pedro nor Maria Maleta go for the obvious solution.This notion of the “non-obvious” led these two brands to reunite for a collaboration. The will for new identities and personifications compelled Maria Maleta to find out the answer for this irreverence and non-obvious way of living in Pedro Pedro. The product is highlighted in a different way, thought to be used in new manners and acquires an unique identity.It doesn’t choose genders or patterns.

The unpretentiousness of this product is shown in the manner it is used and not in the way it is shown.


Still having natural leather as material par excellence, we now mix textures and new materials like textile polyurethane. Four designs are highlighted in this collaboration. From a shopping bag and a traditional executive handbag to a more unconventional urban travelling-bag, all the models reveal the intrinsic quality of Maria/Maleta and the reference design of Pedro Pedro


 best friend gift leather goods


We decided to invite our friends to be part of our new editorial, we love it and we have to say that they did pretty well. Maria/Maleta was founded by two best friends and always tried to express the importance of Friendship. Now we do this through a capsule collection presented by the family that we choose, we celebrate what makes our days more memorable, the friendship.